Fracture Coasters by Ivana Carpio

A little known fact about me is that I collect coasters. It all started in university when I took a coaster from a bar I went to with my then boyfriend. Over time, I made a point of picking up a coaster at any restaurant I went to that had them readily available. I decided to invest more in coasters and now have enough to supply a small village dinner party if the event arises.

When I came across Ivana Carpio’s fracture coasters, I instantly fell in love. They look quite sharp and evoke a bit of danger but are still elegant to look at. Made of 9mm glass in the netherlands, they come in a set of five.

When I found out it was real broken glass, not fake fractures, I was more impressed as it guarantees each coaster is unique.

These coasters are an ode to imperfections. Ivana has a lifestyle brand, atelier, which is an extension of her blog love aesthetics. According to ivana’s website, everything she does references a work in progress, and the concept of creative spaces where ideas are born.

Buy the set for yourself via ivana’s store.

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